Friday, February 4, 2011

Some of my work from 2010. . .

One of my first attempts at soft pastels - they are so fun! I love the way they blend so smoothly!

This is"Legacy" - a beautiful, white Arabian stallion. He is nearing 30, which is really old for a horse, but he still acts quite young- still full of Arabian fire. This picture is also done with soft pastels.

A charcoal of one of my favorite Christian bands- I made this picture to give to them when I was going to see them in concert. I gave them the original, and they signed my copy of it! I also had another copy made...if anyone's interested, let me know.


  1. Hello there! I know you don't know me or anything, but I just found your blog! These pictures are awesome! I was thoroughly astounded to see your artwork of Leeland.- OH MY. wow. They are one of my favorite bands... God has really used them in my life. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Hello! Thank you for commenting! Really? Leeland is one of my very favorite bands! :) That's awesome. Thank you!!
      You're welcome - God has really used their music in my life too, which is why I drew them.
      Nice to meet you, Emily! I just found your blogs - looks like you are a kindred spirit! :) I don't know yet where the Lord is calling me, or my family, but we want to be used for His purposes, for His glory, wherever He calls us. I'd love to get to talk to you - could we email?
